Saturday, October 2, 2010

Children's Garden

This was my, and therefore Ben and Heidi's, first visit to the Children's Garden at the Botannical Gardens. So many of my friends had told me how wonderful it is and we weren't disappointed...will be even nicer when the warm weather finally arrives.

Concentrating...serious work.

Heidi was feeling particularly sensitive this day...wanted to be by my side all day. Ben not concerned in the slightest!

I love watching the conversation and interaction between toddlers. Here Ben is showing Lily his sore finger and asking her to kiss it better. When she doesn't he kisses it better himself. I have seen him do this often, then he asked himself "better?" then nodds and "mmmmm"..

This was Heidi's favourite time of the day...Ben was asleep minutes after getting into the car. Heidi spent the drive home squealing, playing with her feet and laughing hysterically...which made me laugh too....too cute.

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