Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Babies & learning to walk

Last Sunday afternoon I came home from a rare shopping trip (on my own!) to find my husband with 3 babies! 2 of our own and in his arms his 11 week old nephew. We were looking after him to give his mum a well earned break. It was such a flashback to a few months ago to see Patrick holding a newborn and trying to settle with his own specially devised technique of rocking and bouncing...was the only thing that worked when both Ben and Heidi were babies and suffering colic.
Ben and Heidi were both enthralled in baby Hamish. Ben went looking straight away for his baby in his pile of toys and walked around nursing his baby like Daddy all afternoon until he put him to sleep in Patrick runner. Well, I suppose its the perfect size isn't it?


Ben always does this to Heidi too, squeezes her cheeks.. Elmo does this to a baby on one of his favourite DVD's maybe he got it from there.

Heidi is not far off walking..she is so proud of herself. When she sets off she squeals and has a smile ear to ear and she speeds up when she gets closer to you and then launches herself towards you ready or not! Gorgeous to watch. Baby time is coming to an end....bitter sweet but another beautiful stage ahead. Also a bit easier with both of them walking...especially at the park and out and about.

The 3 of them playing well together... Will have to look into putting some shade into the backyard with the hot weather on its way.

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