Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Mooloolaba Holiday

Our first family interstate holiday with Heidi. We had such a lovely time, didn't really do much. Same routine every day, woke up (very early most days around 4am due to no daylight saving in Queensland), quick breakfast for the kids then walk along the beach to the kids playground overlooking the beach (lovely view). Then off to have a much needed coffee and honey toast for the kids. Back for a swim in the pool, morning nap for Heidi, then off for another walk along the cafes and shops, back for afternoon sleep for both Ben and Heidi and sometimes Pat and I! Then off for another swim either at the beach or the pool. Back for bath and tea then off to bed for the kids. Pat and I would then have dinner with a wine and most nights we were in bed by 8.30!
Pat and I would swap sleep ins which worked really well and we managed to fit in a massage each. There was not a lot of sight seeing as we were happy just to hang out together and spend time watching the kids enjoy themselves. There is something nice about slowing down and enjoying the simple things much happiness from seeing their little faces light up...they got alot out of spending time with both of us.

This pull along suitcase was a sometimes a big help but at other times a lot more work. Ben loved pulling it around (often in the wrong direction)

The plane trip was better than we thought, other than a few battles getting Ben to stop undoing his seat belt and Heidi wriggling and wanting to walk up and down the galley they were very well behaved. Ben watched his favourite DVD of the moment "Maisy" along with videos of Pat 4Wding "Ohhh mmmudddy wheeellss", "Bompy road". When Heidi got too much I just fed her and she fell asleep, so glad I am still breast feeding..makes life alot easier at times.

We are getting asked more and more if Ben and Heidi are twins. Heidi's hair is getting lighter and lighter...almost exactly the same colour as Ben's now. Both with lovely curls, never imagined that my kids would have curly hair. They loved the court yard of the apartment. They were having a good chat here.

Evening walk to the harbour. We didn't know this area existed until the 2nd last day..

Early dinner at a nice Italian restaurant. Not the best idea. Ben and Heidi (understandably) wanted to get out and walk around...made for a very quickly eaten meal.

Ben and Heidi both loved the ocean as well as the pool. Both fearless in the waves. Ben thought it was hilarious out in the surf with Pat.
We had to drag him kicking and screaming out of the water when he was shaking with the cold...he would have been happy to stay in all day.
Definately a handful with 2 little ones on the lazing about. Pat and I would take it in turns having quick dips on our own.

Heidi would just take off running to the water, she just loved it. I remember Ben doing the same at that age in Port Douglas.

Absolute delight.

We realised fairly quickly they were missing some of their toys, so we took the bus one morning to Maroochydor and bought a few DVDs and this bubble kit..was a big hit.

Trouble... Heidi kept slinging her leg over onto Ben which he put up with for a while until he got sick of it. Then he would start pulling at it and bite it.

Off for another walk! Alot of walking, coffee and parks.

When Ben got in the pool for the 1st time he said "look Mummy, Ben swimming!" So gorgeous I love this age. Heidi would float around in her blow up thingy majing for ages..totally relaxed, lounging around like an old lady!

Love this photo. Ben looks so an angel. Heidi and Pat...hilarious....same expression.

This was taken on our last morning...6.30am...looks like the middle of the day. Already had a walk on the beach and a play at the park. Pat and I look tired.

Last morning a few hours before we flew home. "Ben push Heidi?!"

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

and she's off!....

Noted on the calendar....31st October (Halloween!) Heidi is officially walking. She has been practising for quite a while now, must be over 6 weeks. She came home from a sleepover at Grandma and PaPa's and started walking everywhere and she is just so pleased with herself. The last few days she has barely crawled at all.
Looks so cute, waddling around, hands out front. She is very careful..we are all so excited, including Ben who says at least once a day...."Look Mummy, Hi walking"

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Babies & learning to walk

Last Sunday afternoon I came home from a rare shopping trip (on my own!) to find my husband with 3 babies! 2 of our own and in his arms his 11 week old nephew. We were looking after him to give his mum a well earned break. It was such a flashback to a few months ago to see Patrick holding a newborn and trying to settle with his own specially devised technique of rocking and bouncing...was the only thing that worked when both Ben and Heidi were babies and suffering colic.
Ben and Heidi were both enthralled in baby Hamish. Ben went looking straight away for his baby in his pile of toys and walked around nursing his baby like Daddy all afternoon until he put him to sleep in Patrick runner. Well, I suppose its the perfect size isn't it?


Ben always does this to Heidi too, squeezes her cheeks.. Elmo does this to a baby on one of his favourite DVD's maybe he got it from there.

Heidi is not far off walking..she is so proud of herself. When she sets off she squeals and has a smile ear to ear and she speeds up when she gets closer to you and then launches herself towards you ready or not! Gorgeous to watch. Baby time is coming to an end....bitter sweet but another beautiful stage ahead. Also a bit easier with both of them walking...especially at the park and out and about.

The 3 of them playing well together... Will have to look into putting some shade into the backyard with the hot weather on its way.

Friday, October 22, 2010

1st snow

What a difference a week makes! Last week kids were splashing and running through the water park at the Botanic Gardens and this we went to the snow! Last cold blast for the year and the kids just loved it. He was getting very excited in the car seeing the first splatterings of snow "WoW...snow...white!"
Ben loved the snowman with the carrot for a nose and 2 gumnuts for eyes. Poor little hands were red raw as we didn't have any gloves for him (such bad parents we are!) So we had to have short plays with "recovery" in the cafe. Heidi looked just gorgeous in her hand-me-down Kenzo suit...wish I had one of those!
On the way home we attempted to do a little 4wd ing but it was short lived as Ben got absolutely petrified...shaking and crying in his seat saying "mummy ....hug?" with tears streaming down his face....we felt terrible...couldn't give him a hug until we backed back down the track. For the last week he has been saying ...."oh no....bumpy bumpy"...."nice smooth road!" and his favourite "muddy wheels....Ben wash ...hose....tap" I think he has forgotten all about the snow and just remembers the "bumpy track"!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Yay! Spring is here!

What an absolutely perfect weekend! The sun is out at last. What a long, long cold and wet winter. Its been great to get the rain but we are all very over it now, especially the kids. Its so lovely to get some fresh air.
Unplanned weekends always tend to be the best. Saturday started out at the Finders Keepers market, fantastic craft market, then Pat and I had a delicious and peaceful lunch at a cafe in East Melbourne. Ben and Heidi were fast asleep in the car and we managed to get a park right outside and next to our table so we could watch the kids...perfect! We actually got to talk and not gobble down our food. Then it was off to the Children's Garden at the Royal Botanic Gardens...what an amazing place for kids. I would have loved this as a child....lots of hiding spots and different landscaping and most of all the water activities. The little stream which meanders through the garden is gorgeous and the kids love walking along it and sending little leaf "boats" floating down the river.
We enjoyed it so much we went back there with friends on Sunday afternoon. Ben was in heaven playing with the water fountains. Screaming and laughing in delight when the fountains sprayed up in his face. This is just the perfect activity for Ben with his love of water....of course there were major tantrums when it was time to get the shivering boy dressed.
Rounded off the weekend with fish and chips in South Melbourne....perfect!
Almost forgot! Heidi took some of her 1st steps..5! Bare feet on grass and with both of Mum and Dad watching. She looked so pleased with herself.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Love My Dad

This is where Ben and Heidi are very similar....they get so excited when Patrick gets home from work. Ben runs to the door when he hears the front door unlocking and Heidi will do this special squeal saved only for her dad when she hears his voice.Heidi will also bounce and jump on Patrick which she thinks is great fun. This is also a favourite welcome home ritual!