The kids and I spent the day visiting friends at 2 different BBQ's. Beautiful food and perfect summer's day. The kids loved it, Heidi especially loved her corn...even with the chilli sprinkles.
This chair looks like it's made for Ben!
Heidi just wouldn't let the corn go...gees she loves her food......
Heidi has been giving so much love lately. Lots of beautiful long hugs, tucks her chin into my neck and pats my back....saying ahhhhhh. and big sloppy kisses too. I LOVE it! Even with her runny nose....poor little thing is really struggling with her eye teeth top and bottom trying to get through.
This is Heidi after the dog took ONE of her lamb chops! It was finished but she is very attached to her food!
More pavlova pleeeeeeasse! Love the goggles. Not loving the left over strawberries, the only healthy item on the plate!
What a lovely Saturday afternoon we had at the holiday house of the gorgeous Helen & Steve. The backyard took my breath away when I saw the waterworld replica! TWO pools, slip & slide, trampoline, hoses, water "guns" the works! The kids loved it....I loved it.
Heidi is getting cheekier and cheekier. As is especially happy with a biscuit in her hand with Pat chasing after her.
I love this top on her and the humidity has made her hair even curlier. She still looks like a little doll.
Heidi was asking for Ben when she woke from her afternoon sleep. I told her Ben was still sleeping. So off she tottered down the hallway looking for him, she was absolutely delighted when she found him. Ben wasn't quite as happy to be woken up...he is often quite grumpy after his afternoon sleep.
"This is so much fun"! Ben loves running around in the rain, he did this with Nanna last week and loved it. With all the constant rain we have been having this is some good to come out of it. Heidi took a little convincing, took a few steps out in the rain and then back under the carport then back out again and back in.Pat and I love seeing Ben and Heidi experiencing these simple times that we remember doing when we were kids ....doesn't seem that long ago!
Love that face
"Dis DIS!!" This is Heidi's favourite word at the moment. And this is the expression she makes when she says it.
Watching the big drops fall from the gum tree.
Heidi is running so fast now...tiny steps but super fast and very purposeful! Oh the places to go and people to see....often she doesn't get there as she gets distracted on the way
The 3 of us were just playing with Heidi's baby doll when Ben suggested she needed a bath. I couldn't be bothered setting one outside and I knew it would be messy on the living room floor but we did it anyway! Heidi was amazed watching Ben closely and Ben very gently and carefully washed the baby in my tupperware cake container. It was serious business and just too cute to watch.
Yay for the new swing! Ben and Heidi just love the swing at the park, the slide used to be the favourite choice at the park but since our holiday up north the swing has taken over. I found this swing on line and its perfect! We don't have a lot of space in the backyard for a swing set or a large tree to hang one off so I was rapt when I found this one. Its really strong and safe and they both love it. Ben got a little sick after shouting to daddy to spin me round and round! He looked very pale and we had to have a quiet cuddle on the couch before bath time...I was a little afraid he would vomit in the bath. Heidi was equally enthusiastic, she has absolutely no fear and laughs and giggles as the swing comes close to our faces for a kiss. Pat likes sitting out on the deck pushing the swing as he enjoys a beer and I just like looking from the kitchen even when its not being's makes me (all of us!) happy.Ahhh the simple things!
We had a lovely, relaxed Christmas this year. A lazy time in the morning unwrapping presents and playing with new toys and then off to spend the day at my parents. We had the most delicious lunch prepared by mum which included all the traditional dishes mum has made at Christmas..there is something very comforting about tradition. Not all things have to change! This was followed by an afternoon sleep for Ben and Heidi joined by Pat and I ....we could have easily slept through till the next morning. Boxing Day was at Pat's brothers house and was lovely and relaxing too although I was slightly more tired after staying up late playing with my new present making 2 pavlovas and a chocolate cake.
But most of all it was so much fun watching the kids enjoy themselves. Ben is really starting to understand the idea of Father Christmas, singing carols, all the decorations and the presents! Christmas is magical when sharing it with the 2 little ones.
Preparing a snack for the reindeers....serious stuff
Some late night wrapping
Stunned at how all the presents arrived under the tree
Ben quickly recovered to a state of excitement in unwrapping his presents...was very cute handing out and watching us unwrap ours too. Heidi was just as happy to sit on a box!
Heidi enjoying Ben's new drum set with standard expression (tongue out!)
Do you need some help with that Papa?Apparently I used to do the same thing at her age!
A short stroll with Papa
My 1st double layered Pavlova with my beautiful new shiny Kitchen Aid (my Christmas gift from Patrick)