Monday, August 9, 2010

Inside Outside

A Sunday at home with the girls inside and the boys outside....

Pat taking photos outside and me inside...

Please can we go outside too? I am looking forward to Spring...Heidi will be walking by then which will be wonderful. Too cold outside at the moment to be crawling around in the wet grass and mud. Especially as she has just recovered from a month long cold made worse by 3 top teeth coming through at once!


Sunday, August 8, 2010

Smiley Heidi

I could (and do) watch her for hours. I want her to stay like this forever but at the same time I can't wait to see how she grows into a little girl....I am hoping she will have a life as happy as today and holds onto that happy and positive outlook she already has.


The day started out beautifully....they are really starting to play together....even if its just in short bursts. It makes my heart melt seeing them share and Ben showing Heidi his toys.

We were wondering if Heidi would be too young to enjoy the Aquarium...but she just loved it...especially getting up close to the glass.

Ben loved the stingrays..

Heidi is all over Ben in the pram...Ben usually gets over this very quickly but he was distracted by the city views so Heidi could keep her arm around him.

Perfect outing for a cold winters day...