Friday, July 6, 2012

Joshua Peter Willemsen - your birthday!!

Welcome to the world beautiful Joshua!

Our 1st cuddle together
Feeling so, so happy and relieved

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Easter 2012

We had a sleep in! ...till 7.30! Could have been a bad night as Heidi was a little scared about the Easter Bunny. After explaining to Ben and Heidi that the Easter Bunny was coming to visit during the night to hide some easter eggs and that we had to leave some carrots out for him; Ben was captivated and excited but Heidi was a little quiet. When she was in bed she said "I don't want the Easter Bunny to come into my room...he bites me on the elbow" It tool quite a bit of convincing that he wouldn't come inside and that he was very friendly and a little shy. Poor little Heidi, she was quite concerned.
Ben was very into the whole thing and explained to Pat that the bunny would hide the eggs under his bed, in his pyjama draw and under the couch!
They both loved the easter egg hunt and there began the chocolate rationing! Heidi not that fond of chocolate but Ben LOVES it. Me.."just 1 more" Ben...."ok ...just 3 more mummy"

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Ben's 3rd Birthday

The early morning unveiling of the Octonauts cake! I slaved over this late at night with the help of Patrick...who really got into it once he started! Octonauts is Ben favourite TV show, Heidi loves it too but maybe this is just due to her big brother. The Octonauts are their heros. Ben has us all acting out Octonauts missions...he is the only one who really knows what's going on. Heidi just shouts out "Launch Pad"!

Pat made the vegemals..nice tough I think..

Our perfect pigeon pair...they are looking more like twins everyday. I often get asked this question when they are in the pram.

I am sure I will be saying this every year for the rest of my life...."how did you get so big?" 3! I remember seeing friends children who were this age when Ben was just a baby and thinking he will never be that old...just couldn't imagine it and now here we are. I have to say mum was right. It just keeps getting better and better. Its so lovely getting to know him.
He is turning into just a thoughtful, caring soul. I guess he always has been. One of his favourite questions is "Are you happy mummy?" "I'm happy." "Are you happy Daddy?" Its just gorgeous. He is a real thinker too, concentrate 100% and takes after his dad working through problems...a lateral thinker! and very patient too.

Happy Birthday my beautiful Ben xx

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Just hanging about the house

Patrick took this beautiful photo. I love it. Ben has a lovely fascination with rainbows. How nice it is to touch one in your own bathroom!

Quiet time together.
Can't believe how old Heidi looks in this photo. Not a little baby anymore. Bitter sweet as now I feel I am really getting to know her. She is saying lots of words now..."No!", "Dadda", Mummum", "Nanna", "Papa", "Burr" (burt), "Bbb" (Ben), "I didit", "WOW", and her favourite "MMMooorre?"

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Australia Day

The kids and I spent the day visiting friends at 2 different BBQ's. Beautiful food and perfect summer's day. The kids loved it, Heidi especially loved her corn...even with the chilli sprinkles.

This chair looks like it's made for Ben!

Heidi just wouldn't let the corn go...gees she loves her food......

Heidi has been giving so much love lately. Lots of beautiful long hugs, tucks her chin into my neck and pats my back....saying ahhhhhh. and big sloppy kisses too. I LOVE it! Even with her runny nose....poor little thing is really struggling with her eye teeth top and bottom trying to get through.

Sunday, January 23, 2011


This is Heidi after the dog took ONE of her lamb chops! It was finished but she is very attached to her food!

More pavlova pleeeeeeasse! Love the goggles. Not loving the left over strawberries, the only healthy item on the plate!

What a lovely Saturday afternoon we had at the holiday house of the gorgeous Helen & Steve. The backyard took my breath away when I saw the waterworld replica! TWO pools, slip & slide, trampoline, hoses, water "guns" the works! The kids loved it....I loved it.